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Asistencë & Ndihmë

Bëhuni gati për të udhëtuar në botën e Auttom. Ky udhëzues do t'ju ndihmojë të filloni rrugëtimin tuaj me Auttom, për një menaxhim efikas të automjeteve duke shfrytëzuar maksimalisht funksionalitetet që ofrojmë.

I ri në Auttom?

Përdorni këto burime të mëposhtme për të filluar.

Pyetjet më të shpeshta

Shkoni në seksionin e FAQ-ve të Auttom - porta juaj drejt qartësisë në tregun tonë të automobilave. Vështrime të hollësishme për zgjidhjet dhe shërbimet tona.

Pavarësisht nëse jeni kurioz për burimet tona dixhitale, për të kërkuar udhëzime për optimizimin e flotës ose për navigimin e mirëmbajtjes së automjeteve, FAQ-të tona ofrojnë përgjigje të qarta dhe koncize për të siguruar një përvojë të qetë me Auttom.

Aksesi në Auttom

Pavarësisht nëse dëshironi të thjeshtoni mirëmbajtjen e automjetit tuaj, të menaxhoni me efikasitet flotën tuaj të automjeteve ose të mbikëqyrni shoferët, Gps dhe sensorët telematikë, automjetet dhe proceset, integrimi i Auttom është zgjidhja për t'i arritur këto qëllime me lehtësi. 

Ky udhëzues do të ndihmojë si individët ashtu edhe kompanitë të konfigurojnë dhe të fillojnë të përdorin Auttom për mirëmbajtjen dhe menaxhimin e automjeteve të tyre.

Llogaria e Tregtarit

Nëse jeni një tregtar në industrinë automotive në kërkim të një zgjidhjeje efikase për të maksimizuar dhe automatizuar përvojën tuaj të shitjes në internet, ju jeni në vendin e duhur. 


eBooks Falas

Shikoni koleksionin tonë dixhital të fokusuar në mirëmbajtjen e automjeteve, njohuritë automotive menaxhimin e flotës dhe cdo gjë rreth makinave apo industrise auto.

  • Can I create different users & roles on the web/mobile apps?
    In different management softwares user roles and permissions play a very important role in the system security area. Hence, lower-level employees are not allowed access to sensitive data if that data is not of any relevance in accordance with fulfilling their job responsibilities. On the account details menu with one click you can access User & Roles to change / invite/ remove any users based on the company needs.
  • Can I export my data from Auttom?
    Yes. We provide export data option for Pro subscriptions plans. For any other configurations, please send an email to and we will be happy to assist you.
  • Does auttom supports miles as a distance units?
    Yes, we do support miles & Kilometers as distance units. If there is a distance unit you are looking for that is not available, drop us a mail and we will be sure to support it.
  • Is it safe to access my data in over the Internet?
    Yes, absolutely. Everything you do in the console and apps is on completely over HTTPS – your data is fully encrypted by an SSL connection and accessed over the internet.
  • Does auttom supports multiple currencies?
    Yes, we do support multiple currencies like EURO, USD, GBP, ALL & more. If there is a currency you are looking for that is not available, drop us a mail and we will be sure to support it.
  • What happens if your service is down?
    Auttom is hosted on data servers using Amazon & Google Web Services across multiple locations with full redundancy. We have taken several measures to ensure continued service across regions. Unless there is an outage across a large region & multiple providers/ data centers, the service will be accessible for users. We strive towards zero downtime, including deployments over weekends and our engineering team has extensive experience handling server scalability and you can rest assured of our ability to provide a highly available, secure and highly scalable service.
  • Does auttom supports multiple fuel types or multiple tanks?
    Yes, we do support multiple fuel types like Diesel, CNG, Gasoline, LPG, Gas Premium and electric combined with more than one tank for each vehicle. If there is a fuel type you are looking for that is not available, drop us a mail and we will be sure to support it.
  • What happens to all my data in Auttom if I cancel my account?
    All the sensitive data will be purged after the standard retention period. You can request our support team to export all your vehicles data if you wish to migrate to another system.
  • Why auttom?
    Automated & analytical logistic operations are much more than managing your vehicles at periodic intervals. To ensure your company has centralized logistic operations, you need to provide a simple and easy to use system and We offer you just that. Our commitment to innovation, user-friendly UI/UX, tailored solutions and passion sets Auttom apart as the preferred choice in the competitive landscape of vehicle / fleet management systems.
  • How soon can I start using your service?
    You can sign up online to explore our service & applications right away. To access analytical reports, you will need to create or import vehicles and records. It takes a few minutes to set up your account and start having real control over your logistic ops.
  • What is Auttom?
    Consider Auttom as your plug-&-play vehicle or fleet management solution delivered on the cloud. Auttom provides a robust & flexible Vehicle/Fleet management system to enable automated experience on your daily operations and provide powerful analytics. We provide the ultimate tools to automate, control your vehicle/fleet & react promptly to your company logistic needs. Auttom helps you take better decisions towards your vehicle/fleet and increase your profitability by maintaining expenses under control. In certain regions, it can be provided along with a royalty reward system to maximize the benefits or with a built-in Marketplace.
  • Can I import previous records or data into Auttom?
    Yes, absolutely, you can import vehicles, expenses, drivers, or other metadata files on the web app - Besides the fact that the user can create/register/edit/delete data, we provide a specific module for importing data files. You can automatically create everything by importing XLS format files.
  • How to create a demo on Auttom?
    You can create a free demo in few simple steps: Click on Signup Option on the webapp or mobile apps and choose the signup method you like; Manually by entering the required information, as explained below: FirstName & Lastname- Enter your full name. Email Address - enter a valid email address, and make sure it doesn't exist and email already. Password - enter the desired password (we suggest to use a strong password including minimum: 12 characters, combination of capital letters, numbers, cases & symbols). Upon Signup submit, you will receive an invitation email with a link. Click the link and confirm your account. You will be redirected to the login page, and can login with the below credentials: username: your email address password: the password you set up on the previous step. or Automatically by signing up directly with your Gmail / Apple ID On successful login, you will be redirected to the dashboard view with a short tutorial on how to create & manage everything.
  • Is pricing/ licensing flexible?
    Definitely YES. Auttom pay as you go business model, allows you to upgrade/ downgrade licensees based on your company & logistic needs.
  • Can I cancel my subscription at any time?
    Absolutely! You can cancel your subscription at any time, and you won't be charged for the next billing cycle.
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